Cream - Disraeli Gears 1967

Cream: Disraeli Gears 1967 | Meet Me in the Bottom 1966 | Tales of Brave Ulysses 1967 | The Fool Gibson SG | Videos & Live 1966-68 | Wheels of Fire 1968 * Disraeli Gears 1967 / Cream, November 1967, single 33 1/3 12" LP. Issued by Polydor in the UK and ATCO (Atlantic) in the US. Recording in Atlantic Studios, New York, during April and May 1967. Sharp's art features on the front and rear cover, incorporating photographs taken by his friend and fellow Australian Bob Whitaker alongside various collage elements. Australian artist Martin Sharp (1942-2013) is perhaps most famous for the record covers he produced for the rock supergroup Cream - Disraeli Gears (1967) and Wheels of Fire (1968). Both sold in large numbers throughout the world and sales continue to this day, as does the acclaim of both the music contained therein and the album covers. The classic nature of the band Cream and their two albums ensures that both Martin Sharp's artwork, and his t...